How to React When Someone Known has Diagnosed with Cancer?

How to React When Someone Known has Diagnosed with Cancer?

Patients diagnosed with cancer experience various emotions, such as anger, sadness, confusion, and helplessness. Therefore, cancer patients need to get the much-needed sup
port and comfort of their friends and family. However, it gets difficult for people to start a conversation with a cancer patient. But staying in touch is a good decision than staying away from the situation.

In this article, we share some tips to show your care and support to cancer patients. 

Take Cues from a Cancer Patient

According to an experienced oncologist in Bhubaneswar, you need to ask the patient whether they are comfortable talking about their experience. It is best to do as they decide. If they want to share, do listen carefully.

Show Support without Words

Your facial and body expressions also send a message about support and care. Listen carefully, keep eye contact and avoid distractions while interacting with a cancer patient. Even being silent can be a way to show support, as you don’t want to drown their energy with unnecessary chatter.

Carefully Choose Your Words

Acknowledge how hard it is to experience such a precarious condition. So, carefully choose whatever you say for support but without avoiding the topic. For instance, it is best to say, “I’m out of words” or “I don’t know what to say” than to avoid calls and visits.

Here are some things to consider for showing your support and care:

  • If you ever feel like interacting, I’m here.
  • I am sorry that it has happened to you.
  • I care about you.
  • What do you think of doing?
  • How can I help you?

Here are some things that you must not say:

  • I know what you must do.
  • Don’t worry.
  • I know how you are feeling.
  • I am sure you will be okay.
  • How long do you have?
  • I know someone with the exact condition.

Start Active Listening

The professionals often use a technique to show respect. To show a connection with a person’s feelings and words, give complete attention to a patient. Listen to them carefully to make them understand you support them.

Make Sure the Patient is Okay to Take Advice

Before giving any advice, you need to ask whether it is alright if I share anything. If they want to listen, then continue. If not, you need to understand and stop. Sometimes unsolicited advice can lead to unnecessary stress.

Talk About Things Other than Cancer

You need to talk about things that give them an idea about other things happening around them. You need to distract your family member or friend while taking care of his/her interests. Some easy chats are best to take a break from hard conversations.

Encourage an Individual to Stay Involved

Help your family member or friend to stay involved in a conversation and typical activities. Such steps may help people with cancer to deal with unfamiliar experiences. However, a lack of energy and time may prevent them from participating in certain routines and activities. So, keep it in mind.

Dealing with Final Life Stages

When someone is not responding to cancer treatment from the best cancer hospital in Bhubaneswar, it may be a scary time for people near them.

Try to take cues from the patient, stay calm and be available whenever they need you. You need to understand that there are no magical words to say to a cancer patient. But showing your support and presence goes a long way. 

Also, Read this: When do you need to see a Dermatologist?


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