Why should a Patient Seeking Treatment for Gynaecological Issues See a Gynaecologist?

Why should a Patient Seeking Treatment for Gynaecological Issues See a Gynaecologist?

The best gynaecologist in Kolkata is a physician who focuses on the reproductive health of women. They evaluate and treat conditions that affect the female reproductive system. The breasts, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus all fall under this category.

A gynaecologist is a medical professional who treats women. And most viewers (80%) are between 15 and 45.

When Should You See a Gynaecologist?

Pelvic exams, cancer screenings, Pap tests, and the diagnosis and treatment of vaginal infections are just some of the services provided by gynaecologists in the realm of reproductive and sexual health.

Some conditions they deal with include infertility, ovarian cysts, pelvic pain, and endometriosis. People with reproductive malignancies, including ovarian, cervical, and others, may also be under their care.

The best gynaecologist doctor also serves as an obstetrician, providing services to women before, during, and after giving delivery. An OB/GYN is a gynaecologist who is also an obstetrician.

Reasons for a Gynaecologist Visit:

If you fit these descriptions, it may be time to visit the gynaecologist.

1. You Are Due for a Checkup

For optimal reproductive health, it's crucial to see your gynaecologist regularly. These checkups should begin between the ages of 13 and 15, suggests the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.

During this appointment, your gynaecologist may perform tests to check for diseases like cervical or breast cancer, but it all depends on your health history and age. You can also discuss reproductive health issues at the gynaecologist's office, such as birth control, with the doctor.

2. You're Feeling Ache in Your Pelvis

Menstrual cramps, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, and ectopic pregnancy are all potential causes of pelvic discomfort, which refers to the area below the belly button.

3. You're Afraid of Getting Your Period or Having a Baby

Make an appointment with the best gynaecologists if you experience any changes in the quality or duration of your monthly period, such as pain or bleeding. If you're in your 40s or 50s and wondering if you might be entering menopause, your gynaecologist can help.

Questions about pregnancy, such as how to plan for pregnancy or what to do if you suspect you might be pregnant, can also be answered by gynaecologists.

4. You're Worried About a Discharge

A gynaecologist can help you determine what's causing your discharge or odour and treat it.

The Gynaecologist Visit: What to Anticipate:

  • Your gynaecologist will perform an inside and exterior examination of your reproductive organs. They will feel your breasts to look for abnormalities like lumps or cysts. Your vulva (outside of the vagina) will subsequently be examined.

  • An internal pelvic exam is then performed. A speculum is a tool used by gynaecologists inserted into the vagina to allow the doctor to look within the body. The vagina is widened, allowing the doctor better visibility of the cervix, which is located between the vagina and the uterus.

  • The gynaecologist may do a Pap test as part of the pelvic exam. The clinician can obtain a cervix cell sample to diagnose a cervix infection.

  • In addition to looking for symptoms, your doctor may perform a physical exam by pressing on your stomach and pelvis and perhaps sticking a gloved finger into your rectum.

Your gynaecologist may treat you or send you to a specialist if they determine that you have a medical issue. Medication, surgery, or observation may be recommended, or you may be told to wait and see if the condition resolves.


The field of gynaecology is vast, and gynaecologists have extensive training in treating a wide range of conditions. As a result, if you have symptoms consistent with gynaecological issues or illnesses affecting your reproductive organs, you should schedule an appointment with the best gynaecologist doctor in Kolkata soon. 

A professional who focuses on treating conditions like these administers care to you. Some surgical procedures are so delicate that they can only be performed by a trained expert, as the slightest mistake could have fatal consequences.

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